Freebies For Moms

Hurry won't last long!

Yout promo code
for a free carseat canopy
a $49.95 value
The promo code is "ENBABY"

Click on "Shop Now",
select any canopy you would like
(be sure to go to the sizing page
for the right size carrier for you.
Once you have selected your size,
you will automatically be directed to the
"shopping bag" where you can enter the
promo code "ENBABY".
This promo code will take of 100% 
of the canopy purchase and all you are required
to pay are the shipping fees.
You ca use the code more than once,
you just have to open a new browser/window.
Due to its nature, this offer can't long
so please hurry.

Join Pampers Rewards program
and receive 100 free points
toward your purchase of Pampers goods.

Print you coupons to save.